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latest concussion news:
High school basketball player switches from right- to left-handedness after concussion three weeks ago

Former NFL player commits suicide, asks that his brain be examined for signs of disease related to repetitive head trauma

Some say lacrosse helmets for women would make the game rougher

Sixteen NHL players currently out with concussions

Amid criticism skier Vonn decides not to compete in upcoming races

Champion skier Vonn continues to ski with concussion symptoms

Skull Injury


Two-minute sideline concussion test may solve the sideline dilemma

NHL concussions on the rise, accidental, not illegal hits are to blame

Crosby's injury sparks NHL debate- should accidental hits to the head be penalized too?

Pro athletes take part in Texas concussion study

Helmet safety group (NOCSAE) awards grants totaling $610K for concussion research

NHL's leading scorer still out with concussion, no timetable for return

The Associated Press: AP NewsBreak: FTC looking into helmet claims

Chicago public/private school concussion ordinance tied to water/sewer fees

NFL may test helmet impacts with accelerometers next season

Boxing champ Micky Ward subject of the movie "The Fighter" pledges brain to BU

NFL sees 21% increase in reported concussions over last season

Mayo Clinic Hockey Summit recommendations include ban on all hits to the head at all levels

Army identifies blood protein marker which may help identify brain injuries including concussions

What becomes of athletes who suffer concussions when young?

Recently released NFL helmet-impact test results should not be applied to collegiate, high school or youth helmets

NFL considers changes to camps and practices to limit concussions; concerned about sub-concussive hits

NCAA makes 3-man wedge illegal this year hoping to reduce concussions, same as NFL

Tennessee tightens concussion policies for coming school year

Study suggests athletes may need even more time after concussion to fully heal

NJ female teen athlete suffered 15 concussions now struggles daily

MLB All-Star players choosing reinforced helmets to reduce head injuries

Emergency room visits for kids with head injuries increased 43% in the last five years

High school softball adds concussion rule

Pro soccer player Twellman ends season due to symptoms from concussion suffered 2 years ago

Former Bengals receiver who died of unrelated causes showed signs of trauma-related brain damage at age 26

Pirates players collide leaving second baseman unconscious; out for series with concussion

Study shows most parents unaware of their local school's concussion policies

Six-yr-old sustains concussion attempting flip off diving board

Quebec bans bodychecking in youth hockey and reduces concussions significantly

Pro hockey player suffers post-concussion syndrome, symptoms originally confused with flu

Neck muscle strength plays a role in concussion prevention

ESPN's  Preston Plevetes' concussion story, former La Salle football player

Zackery Lystedt inspired WA State's concussion law, the Lystedt Law

Eagles wide receiver felt pressured by asst coach to return after concussion last season

Concussion Basics

Air Force Academy basketball player plaqued by headaches since Nov. concussion, hopes new medication helps

Are headguards the answer for soccer players?  Some athletes and coaches in ME believe so

Head U Concussions

Concussion education videos...


National Federation of High School Associations (NFHS)   Concussion in Sports- What You Need to Know

Coaches, parents, and athletes.  Free, registration required.

NFHS logo

NFHS video


Oregon Center for Applied Science   ACTive: Athletic Training for Coaches

Coaches, parents, and athletes.  Free, includes certification.



ESPN Plevretes video Preston Plevretes has become a spokesman for concussion education after suffering a brain injury during a football game while attending LaSalle University
ESPN E:60 Second Impact (11:55)
Look What Education Can Do   
Dr. Stanley Herring, co-author of the Lystedt Law, high school athletes and coaches discuss the changes they've seen in athletic programs in WA State, since its implementation in July 2009.
Interview with Dr. Stanley Herring
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Dr. Stanley Herring, Seattle Seahawks team physician and Co-Medical Director of the Seattle Sports Concussion Clinic testified at the congressional forum on high school football injuries in Houston,TX. As co-author of WA State's new Lystedt Law, which requires athletes to obtain medical return-to-play authorizations, Dr. Herring offers his views on the changes he's seen in the first 6 months.

Adrien Gault
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this high school senior suffered a catastrophic injury while playing football. Airlifted to a trauma center, doctors gave him a 4% chance of survival. See his remarkable recovery.
Returning soon
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a soccer player whose symptoms became worse over the course of five days, particularly during practice. Her headaches, loss of concentration/memory lasted a month.

coming soon...
Premature Clearance Can Be Deadly
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athletes, parents, and coaches discuss premature return-to-play medical authorizations. Many athletes receive these clearances from their family physicians, others directly from the emergency room. For medical professionals only, contact us for details.
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was hit twice in the head during a high school girls' soccer game about 10 minutes apart. She missed 46 days of school and hasn't played in over a year.
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a high school football player who sat on the bench losing his eyesight, hearing, and was unable to articulate what was happening. Hear how difficult it was for his mother to convince coaches, medics, and doctors that something was terribly wrong- until he ended up being transported to the trauma center five days later.
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suffered a concussion on a Friday night, didn't tell anyone, and participated in practice the next day. During a drill he took a big hit and was transported to the hospital by ambulance. His coach recalls how 911 operators told him to call back later, while he was trying to keep Jacob conscious.
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a high school football player who's coaches pulled him from the huddle because he wouldn't stop laughing. He never played football again.
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suffered concussions in wrestling and lacrosse. Parents in the stands came to his aid.
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this high school football player did not know when he would start to remember things.
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a high school softball player who thought her major injury was her black eye. That was gone long before her concussion symptoms subsided.

Youth Sports Concussion - Prevention, Diagnosis, News

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