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latest concussion news:
Congresswoman calls for concussion hearings for all sports- not just football

NHL's Pacioretty may be back for April playoffs after fractured vertebrae & concussion March 8

South Dakota passes concussion law

NHL's Pacioretty suffers severe concussion and neck injury after hit (video)

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Some say lacrosse helmets for women would make the game rougher

Skull Injury


Two-minute sideline concussion test may solve the sideline dilemma

Pro athletes take part in Texas concussion study

Chicago public/private school concussion ordinance tied to water/sewer fees

NFL may test helmet impacts with accelerometers next season

NFL sees 21% increase in reported concussions over last season

Mayo Clinic Hockey Summit recommendations include ban on all hits to the head at all levels

Army identifies blood protein marker which may help identify brain injuries including concussions

What becomes of athletes who suffer concussions when young?

Tennessee tightens concussion policies for coming school year

Study suggests athletes may need even more time after concussion to fully heal

NJ female teen athlete suffered 15 concussions now struggles daily

Emergency room visits for kids with head injuries increased 43% in the last five years

High school softball adds concussion rule

Study shows most parents unaware of their local school's concussion policies

Six-yr-old sustains concussion attempting flip off diving board

Quebec bans bodychecking in youth hockey and reduces concussions significantly

Neck muscle strength plays a role in concussion prevention

ESPN's  Preston Plevetes' concussion story, former La Salle football player

Zackery Lystedt inspired WA State's concussion law, the Lystedt Law

Concussion Basics

Air Force Academy basketball player plaqued by headaches since Nov. concussion, hopes new medication helps

Are headguards the answer for soccer players?  Some athletes and coaches in ME believe so

Head U Concussions

Florida Concussion Law

Florida currently does not have a concussion law.  

Related news:

Feb. 4, 2011  Florida bill would sideline athletes with suspected concussions

Feb. 22, 2011 Soccer player seeks to curb concussions

Feb. 23, 2011 Legislation aims to curb concussions through education

Feb. 23, 2011 Legislation seeks to help student-athletes with concussions  Channel 10 News


















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