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Feature Stories

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Jake Snakenberg, Still Changing Colorado

A high school freshman, Jake Snakenberg died from a head injury sustained on the football field several years ago. The new Colorado concussion law was named after him, honoring his loss and the efforts of so many who made changes to increase safety for all youth athletes, in his name. Learn more...

Skateboarders can reduce risk of head injury

The Hospital for Special Surgery has recommendations for skateboarders and others to help protect themselves from concussions. Learn more...

Concussion Protection Products Hit the Market

Mouthguards, helmets, soccer headgear, what's real and what's not when it comes to concussion protection. Learn more...

Researchers' Helmet Ratings Stir Debate - Buyer Beware

A recent football helmet rating system developed by researchers at Virginia Tech can lead to erroneous buying decisions. Get the facts. Learn more...

Successful (Again) at Brown University

Red-shirt freshman football player Neal Rooney made his way back to campus life after a three year struggle with post-concussion syndrome. Learn more...

New Study Finds Concussion Testing Beneficial

SCAT2, a non-computerized concussion assessment tool was found to provide accurate "baseline" tests for athletes. Available for iPhone/iPad. Learn more...

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