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Seau's family rethinking brain donation

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Sunday, 06 May 2012 13:00

Seau's family rethinking brain donation Featured

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Underscoring the anguish and grief surrounding the death of Junior Seau, pastor Shawn Mitchell said the family is reconsidering their decision to donate his brain to science. Mitchell, a former Shttps://o Chargers chaplain and family friend, said a decision will be made "within days," according to

Seau, who had a much celebrated 20-year career in the NFL, was found dead on May 2 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the chest at his home in Oceanside, California. He was 43.

“They are definitely revisiting everything that they were considering based on the heightened emotions, grief and anguish of the first few days,” said Mitchell. “They’re bringing in what they call elders, who are personal friends and guides who help them during times such as this. They have not made any decisions.”

Researchers at Boston University's Center for the Study of Traumatic Encephalopathy and Pittsburgh-based Brain Injury Research Institute are interested in studying Seau's brain, according to The Chicago Tribune. Both groups study repetitive brain trauma and neurodegenerative disease such as chronic traumatic encephalopathy. CTE is a progressive brain disease found in a number of former professional athletes including boxers, NFL and NHL players, many of whom died at a young age. Symptoms include impulse control problems, headaches, slurred speech, memory loss, confusion, depression and dementia.

It is not known if Seau suffered concussions during his NFL career as a linebacker, or if repetitive hits to the head played a role in his death.

Former Chicago Bears' safety Dave Duerson committed suicide in February 2011 and was found to have suffered from CTE. Ray Easterling, former safety for the Atlanta Flacons, committed suicide April 19, 2012. Both men suffered cognitive problems.

Questions/comments? contact Jean Rickerson at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Last modified on Sunday, 06 May 2012 15:10


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