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latest concussion news:
Concussion sidelines Vikings' QB Brett Favre for Tuesday night's game against the Eagles

Boxing champ Micky Ward subject of the movie "The Fighter" pledges brain to BU

NFL sees 21% increase in reported concussions over last season

German researchers find 10-20% of boxers have persistent impairment from brain trauma

American Academy of Neurology: Concussed athletes should see a specialist before returning to play

Mayo Clinic Hockey Summit recommendations include ban on all hits to the head at all levels

Army identifies blood protein marker which may help identify brain injuries including concussions

What becomes of athletes who suffer concussions when young?

Scott Laker

Ask Dr. Scott Laker:
Seattle Sports Concussion Program

How many concussions can my son have before he needs to change sports?

  Dr. Laker's answer

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NFL toughens stance on concussions, acknowledging long-term risks and life-changing potential

Recently released NFL helmet-impact test results should not be applied to collegiate, high school or youth helmets

NFL considers changes to camps and practices to limit concussions; concerned about sub-concussive hits

NCAA makes 3-man wedge illegal this year hoping to reduce concussions, same as NFL

Tennessee tightens concussion policies for coming school year

Study suggests athletes may need even more time after concussion to fully heal

NJ female teen athlete suffered 15 concussions now struggles daily

DC MLS star Namoff suspends career due to lingering symptoms from concussion suffered Sept 09

MLB All-Star players choosing reinforced helmets to reduce head injuries

Neuroplasticity: can our brains grow, change, and heal themselves at any age?

Emergency room visits for kids with head injuries increased 43% in the last five years

LaPorta passes neuropsychological test but doctors don't allow him to return to play

Indians LaPorta shows no sign of concussion after on-field collision and CT scan

High school softball adds concussion rule

Pro soccer player Twellman ends season due to symptoms from concussion suffered 2 years ago

Former Bengals receiver who died of unrelated causes showed signs of trauma-related brain damage at age 26

Pirates players collide leaving second baseman unconscious; out for series with concussion

Study shows most parents unaware of their local school's concussion policies

Six-yr-old sustains concussion attempting flip off diving board

Quebec bans bodychecking in youth hockey and reduces concussions significantly

Pro hockey player suffers post-concussion syndrome, symptoms originally confused with flu

Canadian amateur football association implements concussion rules to protect all amateur players

Neck muscle strength plays a role in concussion prevention

ESPN's  Preston Plevetes' concussion story, former La Salle football player

Zackery Lystedt inspired WA State's concussion law, the Lystedt Law

Eagles wide receiver felt pressured by asst coach to return after concussion last season

Concussion Basics

Air Force Academy basketball player plaqued by headaches since Nov. concussion, hopes new medication helps

Are headguards the answer for soccer players?  Some athletes and coaches in ME believe so

Head U Concussions

Raise 7 for Matthew

Football Helmet Safety


No helmet can prevent concussions

According to Dr. Robert Cantu, Vice President of the National Operating Committee on Standards for Athletic Equipment (NOCSAE) a certified helmet means that it met performance standards at the time of manufacture or reconditioning.  Helmets are designed to protect against skull fracture and most subdural hematomas, not concussions.  In fact, Dr. Cantu states in a recent CNN video, helmets would have to be held to a standard four times better than the current specifications to approach concussion prevention.

Dr. Stanley Herring, Co-Medical Director of the Seattle Sports Concussion Program and a team physician for the Seattle Seahawks and Mariners states, " Currently, there is not enough evidence to state that any helmet can protect against concussions.  Ironically, by making that claim, athletes think that a certain helmet makes them safer, and they end up taking more chances and increasing their risk of concussions."

Proper fit matters


A new or nearly-new helmet that fits properly and is well-maintained is very important in helping to reduce the severity of serious football-related head injuries. This helmet fitting video from USA Football is a good guide to the proper technique for fitting youth helmets.  Remember to follow your specific helmet manufacturer's instructions:

  • check head size

  • check fit of interior pads

  • never wear a helmet too low or too tight

  • pressure should be on the crown of the head not the brow

  • fit chinstrap properly

  • replace a cracked or otherwise compromised helmet immediately

Related articles:

Helmet Safety Unchanged as Injury Concerns Rise- NYT  Oct 2010

Anatomy of a Traditional Football Helmet-NYT  Oct 2010

Sports Medicine of Atlanta:  Proper fitting of Youth Football Helmets









Youth Sports Concussion - Prevention, Diagnosis, News

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