Preston Plevretes has become a
spokesman for concussion education
after suffering a brain injury
during a football game while
attending LaSalle University
E:60 Second Impact (11:55) |
Look What Education Can Do
Dr. Stanley Herring, co-author of
the Lystedt Law, high school
athletes and coaches discuss the changes they've
seen in athletic programs in WA
State, since its implementation in
July 2009. |
Interview with Dr. Stanley Herring
Dr. Stanley
Herring, Seattle Seahawks team
physician and Co-Medical Director of
the Seattle Sports Concussion Clinic
testified at the congressional forum
on high school football injuries in
Houston,TX. As co-author of WA
State's new Lystedt Law, which
requires athletes to obtain medical
return-to-play authorizations, Dr.
Herring offers his views on the
changes he's seen in the first 6
months. |
Adrien Gault
this high
school senior suffered a
catastrophic injury while playing
football. Airlifted to a trauma
center, doctors gave him a 4% chance
of survival. See his remarkable
Returning soon
soccer player whose symptoms became
worse over the course of five days,
particularly during practice. Her
headaches, loss of
concentration/memory lasted a month.
coming soon... |
Clearance Can Be Deadly
parents, and coaches discuss
premature return-to-play medical
authorizations. Many athletes receive these
clearances from their family
physicians, others directly from the
emergency room. For medical
professionals only, contact us for
details. |
was hit
twice in the head during a high
school girls' soccer game about 10
minutes apart. She missed 46 days of
school and hasn't played in over a
year. |
a high school
football player who sat on the bench
losing his eyesight, hearing, and
was unable to articulate what was
happening. Hear how difficult it was
for his mother to convince coaches,
medics, and doctors that something
was terribly wrong- until he ended
up being transported to the trauma
center five days later. |
suffered a concussion on a
Friday night, didn't tell anyone, and
participated in practice the next
day. During a drill he took a big
hit and was transported to the
hospital by ambulance. His coach
recalls how 911 operators told him
to call back later, while he was
trying to keep Jacob conscious. |
a high school
football player who's coaches pulled
him from the huddle because he
wouldn't stop laughing. He never
played football again. |
concussions in wrestling and
lacrosse. Parents in the stands came
to his aid. |
this high school
football player did not know when he
would start to remember things. |
a high school
softball player who thought her major
injury was her black eye. That was
gone long before her concussion
symptoms subsided. |