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latest concussion news:
Bruins' Savard returns to the ice and a standing ovation after March concussion

Minnesota Wild Bouchard cleared to play Wed after March 2009 concussion, missed 112 games

NCAA hoops star Nored out with concussion after hitting opponent's head, may not make Duke this Sat

Alabama QB McElroy out with concussion in loss to Auburn, second head injury since Oct

Colts receiver Collie suffers another concussion on his first game back 2 weeks after the last one; doctors take his helmet

American Academy of Neurology: Concussed athletes should see a specialist before returning to play

Mayo Clinic Hockey Summit recommendations include ban on all hits to the head at all levels

Army identifies blood protein marker which may help identify brain injuries including concussions

What becomes of athletes who suffer concussions when young?

Scott Laker

Ask Dr. Scott Laker:
Seattle Sports Concussion Program

Why are girls more at risk for concussion than boys, statistically speaking?

  Dr. Laker's answer

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NFL toughens stance on concussions, acknowledging long-term risks and life-changing potential

Recently released NFL helmet-impact test results should not be applied to collegiate, high school or youth helmets

NFL considers changes to camps and practices to limit concussions; concerned about sub-concussive hits

NCAA makes 3-man wedge illegal this year hoping to reduce concussions, same as NFL

Tennessee tightens concussion policies for coming school year

Study suggests athletes may need even more time after concussion to fully heal

NJ female teen athlete suffered 15 concussions now struggles daily

DC MLS star Namoff suspends career due to lingering symptoms from concussion suffered Sept 09

MLB All-Star players choosing reinforced helmets to reduce head injuries

Neuroplasticity: can our brains grow, change, and heal themselves at any age?

Emergency room visits for kids with head injuries increased 43% in the last five years

LaPorta passes neuropsychological test but doctors don't allow him to return to play

Indians LaPorta shows no sign of concussion after on-field collision and CT scan

High school softball adds concussion rule

Pro soccer player Twellman ends season due to symptoms from concussion suffered 2 years ago

Former Bengals receiver who died of unrelated causes showed signs of trauma-related brain damage at age 26

Pirates players collide leaving second baseman unconscious; out for series with concussion

Study shows most parents unaware of their local school's concussion policies

Six-yr-old sustains concussion attempting flip off diving board

Quebec bans bodychecking in youth hockey and reduces concussions significantly

Pro hockey player suffers post-concussion syndrome, symptoms originally confused with flu

Canadian amateur football association implements concussion rules to protect all amateur players

Neck muscle strength plays a role in concussion prevention

ESPN's  Preston Plevetes' concussion story, former La Salle football player

Zackery Lystedt inspired WA State's concussion law, the Lystedt Law

Eagles wide receiver felt pressured by asst coach to return after concussion last season

Concussion Basics

Air Force Academy basketball player plaqued by headaches since Nov. concussion, hopes new medication helps

Are headguards the answer for soccer players?  Some athletes and coaches in ME believe so

Head U Concussions

  A concussion is a brain injury...

...and all brain injuries are serious

A concussion can be caused by a blow to the head, a jolt to the body, or any sudden force that results in a rapid acceleration/deceleration of the brain inside the skull. Made up of a soft tofu-like substance, the impact of the brain against the rigid inside walls of the skull can cause a change in neurological function and a host of other symptoms depending on which part of the brain was injured.

 The terms "ding" or "bell rung" minimize concussions.  While most do heal within a few weeks, an athlete who returns to play before a concussion has completely resolved risks re-injuring an already injured brain, which can have catastrophic consequences.  Although rare, adolescents seem most vulnerable to this rapid brain swelling known as second impact syndrome which can be fatal. Additionally, multiple concussions suffered prior to complete resolution of a previous injury can result in prolonged symptoms lasting weeks, months, or years.  Know how to minimize the risk of a complicated recovery if you suspect a concussion.

           Signs reported by observers                                    Symptoms reported by athlete 

  • Appears dazed or stunned
  • Is confused about assignment or position
  • Forgets an instruction
  • Is unsure of game, score, or opponent
  • Moves clumsily
  • Answers questions slowly
  • Loses consciousness (even briefly)
  • Shows mood, behavior, or personality changes
  • Can’t recall events prior to hit or fall
  • Can’t recall events after hit or fall
  • Headache or “pressure” in head
  • Nausea or vomiting
  • Balance problems or dizziness
  • Double or blurry vision
  • Sensitivity to light
  • Sensitivity to noise
  • Feeling sluggish, hazy, foggy, or groggy
  • Concentration or memory problems
  • Confusion
  • Does not “feel right” or is “feeling down”

Seek medical help immediately if...

 Most concussions do not result in emergency care.  However, if symptoms worsen, you notice behavioral changes or any of the following, seek care urgently:

  • headaches that worsen

  • seizures

  • neck pain

  • very drowsy, can't be awakened

  • repeated vomiting

  • increasing confusion or irritability

  • weakness, numbness in arms and legs

  • unable to recognize people/places, less responsive than usual

     If you observe any of the above signs, call your doctor or go to the emergency room immediately

    Source:  ACE Post-Concussion Home/School Instructions  Children's National Medical Center, Washington DC

    Diagnostic tests for concussions

     Unfortunately, there are few good imaging options for concussions

    A negative MRI or CT scan does not mean a brain injury did not occur. A concussion is "a software problem, not a hardware problem," in other words, they are rarely detectable through the use of either of these diagnostic tests. However, CT scans and MRIs are valuable in ruling out more severe problems such as hematomas and skull fractures.  CT scans can add significant amounts of radiation to one's overall lifetime accumulation, so make sure they are warranted.

    • CT scan

    • MRI


  Additional resources:   
For more information including downloadable items visit the CDC concussion website


Consensus Statement on Concussion in Sport: the 3rd International Conference on Concussion in Sport held in Zurich, November 2008  Br J Sports Med 2009;43:i76-i84 doi:10.1136/bjsm.2009.058248


Youth Sports Concussion - Prevention, Diagnosis, News

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SportsConcussions.org does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.  Additional Information

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